Monday, March 26, 2012

Civil War Encampment Weekend

Come to the Fort Scott National Historic Site on April 14 and 15, as we honor the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War.    This weekend re-enactors will represent Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery soldiers of the year 1862.    Programs for both days will include army drill and historic weapons firing demonstrations.

On Saturday, come listen to music performed by Hawthorne String Band.   At 2 pm volunteers will present a period fashion show representing Civil War clothing of both military and civilian.    Come join in and participate in War Meeting Program as Senator Jim Lane and General James Blunt call for volunteers to fight against the Confederate threat from Missouri.   At 6:30 p.m. come as guests to attend a period wedding representing a soldier tying the knot before he goes off to war.

On Sunday at 10 a.m. learn more about the logistics of freeing soldiers with "Salt Pork and Hardtack.   Feeding the Army on the Border."   You are more than welcome to attend a period church service on the parade ground as volunteer Jim Gallon will inspire you with worship during the troubled times of the Civil War.   The last program of the day will feature a talk focusing on a major military military expedition leaving Fort Scott in order to restore pro-Union Cherokee their land which they were forced to abandon in 1861 by pro-Confederate Cherokee.  

Saturday, April 14

9 am            Flag Raising
10 am          Calvary Drill
11 am          Infantry Drill and Weapons Demo
12 noon       Artillery Drill and Weapons Demo
1 pm            Civil War Music - Hawthorne String Band
2 pm            Civil War Fashion Show
3 pm            War Meeting Program
4 pm             Flag Retreat
630 pm        "Till Death Do Us Part" - Civil War Period Wedding

Sunday, April 15

9 am             Flag Raising
10 am           Salt Pork and Hardtack - Feeding the Army on the Border - talk
11 am           Infantry Drill and Weapons Demo
12 noon        Artillery Drill and Weapons Demo
1 pm             Cavalry Drill
2 pm             Infantry Drill and Weapons Demo
3 pm             Homeward Bound - The Indian Expedition of 1862 - talk